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Hastelloy - Milling
Diameter | SMM | MMPR |
19.050 - 25.400 | 12 - 30 SMM | 0.06604 - 0.08890 |
15.875 - 19.050 | 12 - 30 SMM | 0.05334 - 0.06604 |
12.700 - 15.875 | 12 - 30 SMM | 0.04572 - 0.05334 |
6.3500 - 12.700 | 12 - 30 SMM | 0.02286 - 0.04572 |
3.1750 - 6.3500 | 12 - 30 SMM | 0.01016 - 0.02286 |
0.0000 - 3.1750 | 12 - 30 SMM | 0.00000 - 0.01016 |
Always use the speeds and feeds recommended from your tool manufacturer. Easy Speeds And Feeds only serves as a starting point and educational site.
HSS Drills
Hastelloy - HSS Drills
Diameter | SMM | MMPR |
19.05 - 25.40 | 4 - 12 SMM | 0.1524 - 0.1776 |
12.70 - 19.05 | 4 - 12 SMM | 0.1016 - 0.1524 |
6.350 - 12.70 | 4 - 12 SMM | 0.0508 - 0.1016 |
3.175 - 6.350 | 4 - 12 SMM | 0.0254 - 0.0508 |
0.000 - 3.175 | 4 - 12 SMM | 0.0000 - 0.0254 |
Always use the speeds and feeds recommended from your tool manufacturer. Easy Speeds And Feeds only serves as a starting point and educational site.
Carbide Drills
Hastelloy - Carbide Drills
Diameter | SMM | MMPR |
19.05 - 25.40 | 18 - 30 SMM | 0.1651 - 0.2286 |
12.70 - 19.05 | 18 - 30 SMM | 0.1143 - 0.1651 |
6.350 - 12.70 | 18 - 30 SMM | 0.0508 - 0.1143 |
3.175 - 6.350 | 18 - 30 SMM | 0.0254 - 0.0508 |
0.000 - 3.175 | 18 - 30 SMM | 0.0000 - 0.0254 |
Always use the speeds and feeds recommended from your tool manufacturer. Easy Speeds And Feeds only serves as a starting point and educational site.
Carbide Reamers
Hastelloy - Carbide Reamers
Diameter | SMM | MMPR |
19.05 - 25.40 | 12 - 27 SMM | 0.2032 - 0.2540 |
12.70 - 19.05 | 12 - 27 SMM | 0.1778 - 0.2032 |
6.350 - 12.70 | 12 - 27 SMM | 0.1524 - 0.1778 |
3.175 - 6.350 | 12 - 27 SMM | 0.0762 - 0.1524 |
0.000 - 3.175 | 12 - 27 SMM | 0.0000 - 0.0762 |
Always use the speeds and feeds recommended from your tool manufacturer. Easy Speeds And Feeds only serves as a starting point and educational site.
Carbide Thread Mills
Hastelloy - Carbide Thread Mill
Diameter | SMM | MMPT |
12.700 - 19.050 | 24 SMM | 0.03048 - 0.05588 |
9.5250 - 12.700 | 24 SMM | 0.02286 - 0.03048 |
6.3500 - 9.5250 | 24 SMM | 0.01270 - 0.02286 |
4.7625 - 6.3500 | 24 SMM | 0.01016 - 0.01270 |
3.1750 - 4.7625 | 24 SMM | 0.00762 - 0.01016 |
0.0000 - 3.1750 | 24 SMM | 0.00000 - 0.00762 |
Always use the speeds and feeds recommended from your tool manufacturer. Easy Speeds And Feeds only serves as a starting point and educational site.
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